Actions |
Call Number |
Title  |
Author |
974.7420 RARE |
Albany County, New York Index of Grantees 12 volumes 1630-1894 |
974.7420 RARE |
Albany County, New York Index of Grantors 12 volumes 1630-1894 |
974.7420 RARE |
Albany County, New York Index of Mortgagors 13 volumes 1630-1894 |
978.2510 CEM |
Albion Nebraska Rosehill & St. Michael's Cemeteries |
978.2510 REF |
Albion Visual History, Reflections of the Past |
929.2000 VF |
Alborn Enquirer - Newsletters Christmas 1978 & 1983 |
929.2000 ALE |
Alexander Genealogy |
974.8850 KRA |
Alleghany County Pennsylvania Cemeteries vol. 1 tombstone inscriptions from 6 cemeteries |
975.5816 ARR |
Alleghany Highlands - Historical Sketches |
974.8820 CLO |
Allegheny County Pennsylvania Wills Index 1789-1840 |
Bob and Mary Closson |
977.2000 CAV |
Allen County Public Library Fort Wayne in Genealogists Guide - Second Edition |
Allen, Nebraska 1891 - 1991: Century of Memories |
Centennial Book Committee |
978.2382 ALM |
Alma - Towards the Year 2000 |
Alma History Book Committee, 1992 |
978.2377 ALD |
Along & Beyond the Little Blue: A Centennial History of Campbell, Nebraska 1886-1986 |
Campbell Centennial Book Committee |
978.2300 HAV |
Along the County Line; pioneer story of John and Ellen Sheridan in Fillmore and Clay Counties, Nebraska |
Motichka, Jeanette Joyce and Haviland, Rita Joyce |
978.2450 BUF |
Alphabetical Index of Buffalo County Nebraska Land Patents |
Register of Deeds Office Buffalo County |
978.2293 ALF |
Alphabetical index of rural residents and family members as listed in the atlas of Lancaster County, Nebraska, 1921 |
Lincoln-Lancaster Genealogical Society |
929.3000 SCH |
Alsace Emigration Book Volume I |
Cornelia Schrader Muggenthaler |
978.1000 DIR |
Alumni Directory of Decatur High School 1889-1990 Oberlin, KS |
978.2272 ALV |
Alvo Alumni Memories |
Alvo School |
978.2272 REM |
Alvo and Its People…Remembering Yesterdays |
Umland, Patricia Roelofsz |
978.2272 ALV |
Alvo United Methodist Church Centennial 1890-1990 |
The Church |
929.2000 ABR |
Ambramson/Ronnberg-They Came From Sweden |
Marion Schleusener Abramson |
975.5634 WIL |
Amelia County Virginia Marriages 1735-1815 |
Kathleen Booth Williams |
978.0000 YOU |
America Fever: A Swede in the West 1914-1923 |
Erick H. Youngquist |
973.0000 GUI |
America's Greatest Historic Places Guide |
929.3000 KIR |
American Church Records Survey |
Kirkham, E. Kay |
929.3000 SHE |
American Colonists in English Records: A Guide to Direct Records in Authentic Records |
George Sherwood |
929.1000 FIL |
American County Histories Bibliography before 1984 recordced by state & county |
VF |
American Czech Magazine August 1941--Salute to Milligan, NE |
American Czech Magazine |
973.0000 MAT |
American Diaries Before 1861 |
William Matthews |
929.1000 VIR |
American Gen Abridged Compendium… First Families of America 1925 vol. 1 |
929.1000 VIR |
American Gen Abridged Compendium… First Families of America 1925 vol. 2 |
929.1000 VIR |
American Gen Abridged Compendium… First Families of America 1925 vol. 3 |
929.1000 AME |
American Genealogical Index Vol. 26 Mitchell to Mowrey |
929.3000 IND |
American Genealogical Index Vol. 31 (1949) |
929.3000 IND |
American Genealogical Index Vol. 38 Sprague to Stoddard |
929.3000 IND |
American Genealogical Index Vol. 39 Stoddard to Tatcher |
929.3000 IND |
American Genealogical Index Vol. 40 Tate to Tinkey |
929.3000 AME |
American Genealogical Lending Library Cat. Vol. 1 - federal decennial census records |
973.0300 MAR |
American History Dictionary |
970.7300 UNI |
American Indians - select catalog of Nat'l Archives microfilm publications |
American Legion Auxiliary - Dept. of Nebr. (1950) |
American Legion Auxiliary |
978.2000 AME |
American Legion Auxiliary Official Directory (1973-1974) |
American Legion Auxiliary |
284.1300 NEB |
American Lutheran Church Central District Directory (1978) |
929.3000 CLE |
American Marriage Records Before 1699 |
William Montgomery Clemens |
929.1000 NEW |
American Naturalization Processes & Procedures 1790-1985 |
John J. Newman |
973.0000 BAI |
American Pageant - History of the Republic indexed |
974.4000 HIS |
American Portraits Found 1620-1825 |
973.3000 NEB |
American Revolution, A Bibliography of printed Battle Plans 1775-1795 |