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Actions Call Number Title   Author
View Record  929.1000 VF Disk Conversion: Planning for Better Type 1985
View Record  929.2000 GOF Dissmeyer Family History Patricia Dissmeyer Goff
View Record  District 38 School 1870 - 2006 (Lancaster County) Nobbmann, Dale V.
View Record  978.2230 DIX Dixon County, Nebraska Post Offices and Postmasters 1849-1970 William A. Woodward
View Record  978.2230 DIX Dixon Nebraska Centennial History 1890-1990 History Book Committee
View Record  978.2540 DOO Do You Remember Meadow Grove Centennial History 1886-1986 Centennial Book Committee
View Record  Do You Remember? Brady, Jay
View Record  978.2327 ZIE Doane College Alumni Directory 1980
View Record  978.2327 ZIE Doane: A College on a Hill and Beyond 1872-1987 Don Ziegler
View Record  929.2000 HUT Doc Middleton; life and legends of the Notorious Plains Outlaw Harold Hutton
View Record  B Graham Doc. Graham: Sandhills Doctor Duane Hutchinson
View Record  977.2000 DOC Documentary History of the Indiana Decade of the Harmony Society 1820-1924 - indexed
View Record  978.2200 HIS Dodge & Washington Counties Nebraska and Their People - Vol. 1 & Vol.II Buss, William H and Osterman, Thomas T., 1921
View Record  978.2235 PLI Dodge Bohemian National & St. Wenceslaus Cemeteries - indexed
View Record  978.1000 DOD Dodge City (Ford County) Kansas Directory 1984
View Record  978.2235 EIG Dodge County Census For 1870 & 1890 Mares, Claire
View Record  978.2235 VF Dodge County Civil War Veterans Mares, Clarabelle
View Record  978.2235 DOD Dodge County Civil War Veterans Index Sherard, Gerald E.
View Record  978.2235 MAR Dodge County Marriage Records 1856-1877 Mares, Clarabelle
View Record  978.2235 MAR Dodge County Marriage Records 1877-1882 Mares, Clarabelle
View Record  978.2235 MAR Dodge County Marriage Records 1882-1886 Mares, Clarabelle
View Record  978.2235 MAR Dodge County Marriage Records 1886-1889 Mares, Clarabelle
View Record  978.2235 MAR Dodge County Marriage Records 1889-1891 Mares, Clarabelle
View Record  978.2235 MAR Dodge County Marriage Records 1891-1894 Mares, Clarabelle
View Record  978.2235 MAR Dodge County Marriage Records 1894-1898 Mares, Clarabelle
View Record  978.2235 MAR Dodge County Marriage Records 1898-1901 Mares, Clarabelle
View Record  978.2235 MAR Dodge County Marriage Records 1901-1904 Mares, Clarabelle
View Record  978.2235 CHR Dodge County Pictorial History: Glimpses of Our Past Christensen, William E. 1994
View Record  978.2235 DOD Dodge County, Nebraska Post Offices and Postmasters 1849-1970 William A. Woodward
View Record  978.2235 DOD Dodge Diamond Days 1897-1963
View Record  978.2235 DOD Dodge Nebraska 1886-1986 - A Century of Integrity Centennial History Book Committee
View Record  978.1350 DON Doniphan County Kansas Citizens Directory 1868-1869
View Record  978.1350 DON Doniphan County Kansas Cival War Soldiers Register 1868
View Record  978.1000 DON Doniphan County Kansas Marriages 1857-91 121 pgs., 1891-1901 130 pgs., 1902-12 135 pgs.
View Record  978.1350 DON Doniphan County Kansas Probate Index 1851-1911
View Record  929.2000 VF Donner Family - born ID, moved to NE, then to OR
View Record  929.2000 DOO Doom Families of America
View Record  978.2470 VF Doris Lake, Custer County History
View Record  929.2000 VF Dorrance-McCleod Family History
View Record  Dorsey Dreams
View Record  929.2000 DOT Doten/Doty Family in America
View Record  978.2254 BAU Douglas County (10) Rural Cemeteries 1981 - short history of 21 Omaha City Cemeteries Baumann, Louise Bloom
View Record  978.1000 VF Douglas County Kansas Map 18 x 19
View Record  978.2254 DOU Douglas County Marriages 1854-1881 Greater Omaha Genealogial Society
View Record  978.2254 DOD Douglas County Marriages Jan to Apr 1874
View Record  978.2254 DOD Douglas County Marriages Jan to Oct 1875
View Record  978.2254 DOD Douglas County Marriages Jun to Dec 1872
View Record  978.2254 DOU Douglas County, Nebraska Post Offices and Postmasters 1849-1970 William A. Woodward
View Record  Douglas Nebraska Centennial Celebration 1988
View Record  978.2732 DRY Dry Valley Cemetery Record (south Cherry Co.)
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Records: 901 to 950 of 4041