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2019 Conf: Mitch Z, Early Neb. Life


Pawnee County
625 6th St
Pawnee City, NE  68420
Bookwalter Methodist   Organized about 1895, lapsed about 1950.  Records possibly with Burchard Methodist church.
First Baptist.  Organized 1870, lapsed.  History Nebraska has microfilm of records 1870 - 1920. 
Sacred Heart Catholic.  Organized 1882.   Records: Baptism 1909 - present, Marriage 1910 - present, Death 1938 - present. 
Burchard Methodist.  Organized 1888.  Records:  baptisms and marriages 1897 - present.  Also have some records from Methodist churches in       Bookwalter, Armour, and Violet.
Burchard Presbyterian.  Sessions Records 1881 - 1883 on microfilm at History Nebraska. 
Pleasant Valley United Brethren located in Sec, 23 Clay Township,  Organized 1892, disbanded, church razed in 1965.   
Mount Zion United Brethren located in Sec 20, Clay Township.  Organized 1885, destroyed by tornado in May 1896.  Merged with Pleasant Valley U.B.
German Evangelical was located 3 miles south of town.  Church built in 1892.  Still operating in 1950s. 
Dubois United Methodist.  Organized Dec 1887.  Merged with the United Brethren in 1945. 
Peace Lutheran. Organized in 1954. 
Lewiston Methodist.  Organized in 1888.  Lapsed date unknown.
Mission Creek Presbyterian.  Organized in 1872.  Records 1873 - 1962 on microfilm at History Nebraska. 
First Baptist.  Organized 1869, merged with First Christian church in 1967. 
Faith Baptist. Organized in 1949, changed to Calvary Bible Church in 1957, and back to Faith Baptist in 1971.  Address 605 5th St. 
Christian Church. Organized 1882, merged with First Baptist in 1967. 
Pawnee City Lutheran.  Organized in 1892, disbanded. 
Zion Lutheran.  Organized in 1953.  Address 504 12th St. 
United Methodist.  Organized in 1858.  Baptism and marriage records begin in 1870. 
First Presbyterian.  Organized in 1866.  Records 1866 - 1954 on microfilm at History Nebraska.  Address 801 G St. 
Second Presbyterian.  Organized 1887, disbanded in 1912. 
United Presbyterian.  Organized 1867, merged with First Presbyterian in 1959.  Records: Sessions minutes 1869 - 1959 on microfilm at History Nebraska. 
Saint Anthony's Catholic.  Organized 1882.  Baptisms & marriages 1884 - present.  Deaths 1890 - present.  School 1912 - 1970.  School and cemetery records at the rectory. 
Frieden's Evangelical.  Organized 1892, merged in 1957 and became the United Church of Christ. 
Saint Peter's Lutheran.  Organized 1871.  Records 1871 - present. Located north of Steinauer on the west side of Highway 50 in Pawnee County.   Address: 71955 Highway 50,  Elk Creek, NE 68348   
Salem United Church of Christ.  Organized 1869.  Records 1878 - 1967 on microfilm at History Nebraska. 
First Baptist.  Records 1871 - 1876 on microfilm at History Nebraska. 
Saint John's Catholic.  Organized in 1877.  The first Catholic church in Pawnee County.  Closed in 1968.  Records may be at Saint Anthony's in Steinauer.  Church building was given to Table Rock Historical Society. 
Christian Church.  Organized ?  Disbanded.
Church of Christ.  Organized 1889, disbanded.
United Methodist.  Organized 1858.  disbanded after 2000. 
Table Rock Presbyterian.  Disbanded in 1925. 
Saint John's Reformed.  southwest of Humboldt in Pawnee County.  Organized in 1884
Mission Creek Presbyterian.  Records 1873 - 1957 on microfilm at History Nebraska, 
Pawnee City Public Library 
735 8th St
P O Box 311
Pawnee City, NE  68420
Fax 402-852-3134 
Heritage House
2nd St
Steinauer, NE  68441
Museums of Table Rock
414 Houston St
Table Rock, NE  68447 
Pawnee City Historical Society Museum 
529 P St
Pawnee City, NE  68420 