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2019 Conf
2019 Conf: Blaine Bettinger
Sue Schlichting
Sue Schlichting: Conference 2023
2019 Conf
2019 Conf: Catherine Renschler, Data Photos


Webster County
621 N Cedar St
P O Box 250
Red Cloud, NE  68970
Churches are listed by village, followed by rural churches by township. 
Mount Carmel Baptist Church
Organized in 1889, church built in 1890. Lapsed in 1910.  Records not located.
Bladen Congregational Church
Organized in 1886; lapsed about 1910.  Records not located. 
Bladen Methodist Church
Organized in 1874.  Plainview Methodist building was moved into Bladen in 1967 and added to the original building. 
Records from 1895 to present include baptisms, confirmations, marriages and deaths.  Plainview Methodist records may also be held here.
First Christian Church
Organized in 1888, erected building in 1895, lapsed in 1935.  Records not located.
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
513 S Liberty
Organized in 1884.  Earlier records may be at Saint Stephen’s in Lawrence, NE.
Records 1912 to present.
United Methodist (formerly Methodist Episcopal)
302 S Webster St.
Organized in 1881.  Present church built in 1977.  Records from 1881.
St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran
310 W. Gage
Organized in 1898.  Present church built in 1964.  baptisms, marriages, confirmations, deaths from 1898. 
Blue Hill Presbyterian Church
Organized in 1884; lapsed about 1920.  Building dismantled in 1927.
Records not located.
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
301 N. Pine
Organized in 1882.  Present church built in 1961.
Records include baptisms 1875 to present, marriages & deaths from 1878 to present.
Trinity Lutheran school functioned from 1883 to 1979.  Some school records are located at the church office.
Trinity Lutheran Cemetery located one mile north of town across Adams County line. 
Christian Church
Organized in 1890, lapsed in 1930.
Records not located.
Congregational Church
Organized in 1883, lapsed date unknown.  Building dismantled in 1955. 
Microfilm of records available at Nebraska State Historical Society
United Methodist Church (formerly Methodist Episcopal)
Organized in 1885. 
No information on records.
First Baptist Church
Organized in 1873, church built in 1880.  Baptisms from 1873, no marriages, scattered death records.
Church of Christ (formerly Christian Church)
Organized in 1894.  Lapsed date unknown.  No further information available.
German Evangelical Church
Baptisms and marriages 1904 – 1932, deaths 1908 – 1932 at United Methodist Historical Center, Lincoln, NE 68504
United Methodist Church
Organized in 1880.  Records include baptisms, marriages and deaths from August 1879 to present. 
Christian Church
Organized in 1896, lapsed in 1936.  Brick church built in 1900.  Records not located.
United Methodist Church
Organized in 1884.  Church built in 1898.  Membership lists begin in 1886. 
Assembly of God
Organized in 1936.  No records kept.
First Baptist Church
Organized in 1876, lapsed in 1935.  records not located.
Sacred Heart Catholic Church (formerly St. Juliana Falconierie)
Organized in 1883 as a mission of St. Stephens, Lawrence, NE.
Name was changed in 1907.  Baptisms begin in 1893, marriages in 1906, deaths in 1910. 
United Church of Christ (formerly Congregational Church)
Organized in 1874, merged with Christian Church in 1929.  Records include baptisms begin in 1871, deaths in 1888, marriages in 1899. 
First Christian Church
Organized in 1888, merged with Congregational Church in 1929. 
Christian Science Church
Organized in 1913.  No church built.  Lapsed.  Records not located.
Grace Episcopal Church
Organized in 1879, lapsed about 1969.  Church erected in 1883 now a part of the Willa Cather Pioneer Memorial Foundation.  Records not located.
Zion Lutheran Church
802 N Franklin
Organized in 1933.  Records 1933 to present.
First United Methodist Church
Seventh & Walnut
Organized in 1871.  Records include membership lists and baptisms beginning in 1874, marriages from 1878, deaths from 1915.
Red Cloud Wesleyan Church
Organized in 1946, 
Oak Creek or Rosemont Presbyterian Church
Organized in 1888, lapsed in 1972.  Records not located.
Grace Evangelical Methodist
Organized in 1898, lapsed in 1940.  Records not located.
Calvary Lutheran Church
Organized in 1951 by merger of Salem and Zion Lutheran Churches.  Records 1950 to present.  
Saint Stefens Danish Lutheran Church
Organized in 1875, lapsed about 1935.  Was located in Section 31 Batin precinct.  Records not located.
Beaver Creek Evangelical Church
Location and dates unknown.
Membership lists, baptisms and marriages 1904 – 1932 included in the Guide Rock German Evangelical records at the United Methodist Historical Society in Lincoln, NE.
Unity Evangelical Church
Located in section 14, Beaver Creek precinct.
Membership lists, baptisms and marriages 1904 – 1932 included in the Guide Rock German Evangelical records at the United Methodist Historical Society in Lincoln, NE.
Saint Marks Evangelical Lutheran Church
Organized in 1913, lapsed in 1936.  Located in Section 12, Beaver Creek precinct. Church built in 1917.
St. Mark’s Cemetery still exists at the location.  Church records not located.
New Virginia Methodist Episcopal Church
Organized in 1882, church erected in 1906.  Located in Section 26, Catherton precinct.  Church records begin in 1905.
Early church records may be included in Bladen Methodist church records.
New Virginia Cemetery located in Section 34.  Cemetery records available at the Webster County Historical Society in Red Cloud. 
Union Baptist Church
Was located in Section 14, Catherton precinct.  Records not located. 
Zion Lutheran Norwegian Church
Organized in 1876, lapsed in 1962 when the church burned.  Records not located.  Early minister came from Jewel Center, Kansas.  Early records may be located there.
Zion Lutheran Norwegian Cemetery located in Section 30, Catherton precinct.  Copies of cemetery records at Webster County Historical Society in Red Cloud.
German Baptist Bretheran Church  (also known as the Wagoner Church)
Organized in 1872, church built in 1899. It was reorganized as Garfield Community Church in 1933. Lapsed, date unknown. Records not located.
Wagoner Cemetery located in Section 28, Garfield precinct. Cemetery records located at Webster County Historical Society in Red Cloud.
Ash Creek Methodist Church
A log cabin church was built in 1881 in Section 21, Garfield precinct.  A frame church was built in 1887. Church lapsed about 1917. Membership lists from 1908 are located at United Methodist historical Center in Lincoln, NE.
Plainview Methodist Church
Organized in 1878 in a sod school house.  Church was built in Section 31, Glenwood precinct in 1900.  Records may be located at the Bladen Methodist Church. 
Plainview Cemetery is located in Section 29, Glenwood precinct.  Cemetery records located at Webster County Historical Society in Red Cloud.
Maple Grove United Brethren Church
Organized in 1876 in a sod building.  Frame church built in 1892.  Lapsed, date unknown.  Records not located.
Maple Grove Cemetery was connected with this church.  Cemetery records at Webster County Historical Society in Red Cloud.
Saint Ann Catholic Church
Organized in 1870s in Section 30, Harmony precinct.  Priests came from Hastings until 1880.  The congregation moved to Campbell in Franklin County about 1888. Records 1880 to present at St. Ann Catholic Church P O Box 156, Campbell, NE.  Adams County Historical Society has copies of early records which are combined with St. Cecilia’s Church records. 
St. Ann Cemetery located in Section 30.  Cemetery records at St. Ann rectory and copies at Webster County Historical Society in Red Cloud.
Harmony United Brethren in Christ
Organized in 1891.  Church built in 1912 in Section 10, Harmony precinct.  Lapsed in 1936.  Records not located. 
Harmony Cemetery originally connected with this church. 
Cloverton Sunday School
Organized in 1880.  Located five miles north east of Bladen in a school house.  Lapsed, date unknown.  Records not located.
Mount Hope United Brethren Sunday School
Located in Section 6, Inavale precinct.  Records not located.
Pleasant Prairie Sunday School
Organized in 1885 northwest of Inavale in the School District #41 building.  Lapsed in 1934.  No records located.
Mount Pleasant Church
Was located in Section 18, Line precinct.  Lapsed.  Records not located. 
Mount Pleasant Cemetery was connected with this church.  Cemetery records at Webster County Historical Society in Red Cloud.
Emanuel Lutheran Church
Organized in 1885.  Church, located in Section 27 Potsdam precinct, was destroyed by a tornado. 
Presbyterian Covenant Mission Church
Was located in Section 21 Stillwater precinct.  Lapsed in the 1890s.  Records not located. 
Eckley Methodist Episcopal Church
Located in Section 21, Stillwater precinct in the former Covenant Mission building.  Church burned in 1905.  New church erected in 1908 in Section 28, Stillwater precinct.  Church lapsed in 1936.  Records not located. 
Emmanuel German Lutheran Church
Organized in 1904, lapsed by 1951.  Located in Section 19, Stillwater precinct.  Records 1904 – 1951 at American Lutheran Archives in Dubuque, Iowa. 
Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church
Organized in 1899 in Section 18 Stillwater precinct.  Merged in 1950 with Zion Lutheran Church to form Calvary Lutheran at Rosemont. 
Zion Lutheran cemetery was connected with this church.  Cemetery records at Webster County Historical Society in Red Cloud. 
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
Organized in 1888 in Section 13 Stillwater precinct.  Merged with Salem Lutheran in 1950 to form Calvary Lutheran at Rosemont. 
Zion Lutheran cemetery is located in Section 13.  Cemetery records at Webster County Historical Society in Red Cloud.
Kennedy School House
This stone building was located in Section 16 Walnut Creek precinct.  Both Baptist and Methodist congregations met here.    The stone structure was replaced by 1900.  Records of these churches have not been located. 
Williams Funeral Homes
241 W 4th Ave
Red Cloud, NE  68970
Auld Public Library 
537 N Webster St
P O Box 287 
Red Cloud, NE  68970
Willa Cather State Historical Site 
326 N Webster St
Red Cloud, NE  68970 
Pavelka Farmstead 
2031 Rd 1100 
Bladen, NE  68928 
Webster County Historical Museum 
721 W 4th st
Red Cloud, NE  68970 